Where does your body ache? Therapeutic massage focuses on the uncomfortable chronic discomforts and pain within the body. Aides in soft tissue healing and repairing old injuries.
Calm your nervous system and let go of the outside world for a moment with this type of massage. Relaxation massage increases circulation which promotes blood flow throughout the body nourishing cells and removes waste products. Generally light to moderate pressure.
The right amount of depth can be very beneficial for releasing chronic muscle tension, breaking down scar tissue and increasing range of motion. Deep tissue focuses on the deeper muscles of the body using a variety of techniques.
Got knots? Those sore, nagging spots causing referral pain into other areas of your body can be released. Trigger points can be caused by injuries, poor posture, weakened muscles or using muscles too much.
Massage Therapy during pregnancy is a healthy way to reduce stress, promotes overall wellness and relaxation for both mother and baby. Massage relieves many normal discomforts such as backaches, swelling, sciatica, stiff neck and carpal tunnel syndrome. For high risk pregnancy please consult your physician before getting a massage.
Using gentle touch, calm your nervous system and get reacquainted with your body. Delicate manual techniques are used to release problem areas and improve form and function of the body. Clothes can be left on for this type of therapy or added to your massage treatment. This therapy can be used for almost all ailments and discomforts in the body.
By applying suction cups to chronic pain areas you will feel a freedom and flow in your tissue. Mayo-fascial cupping helps to drain excess fluids, brings blood flow, breaks down adhesions, scar issue and stubborn knots. Conditions of chronic pain can be relieved with minimal discomfort. This type of treatment can leave areas of redness for around 3-7 days.
There’s something within you but you can’t quite connect to it. Your body has all the answers you need when it comes to physical or emotional pain. Connect with your highest self and lean into the pain while allowing yourself to release suppressed emotion. There is nothing more freeing.
This type of massage is safe and effective for pain associated with the jaw and face. Focusing on the muscles from inside the mouth, clients can get relief from jaw pain, clenching, grinding, headaches, migraines, whiplash, tinnitus and neck pain.
There’s many injuries that can be a result of a car accident, massage therapy is commonly used to help in rehabilitation from injuries such as whiplash, neck pain, back pain, TMJD (jaw pain), headaches and many more serious injuries.